601. The Humanity of the Talmud:
Author: Wasserman, Mira Beth
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

602. The Israeli radical left :
Author: Fiona Wright.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Arab-Israeli conflict-- Moral and ethical aspects.,Arab-Israeli conflict-- Psychological aspects.,Government, Resistance to-- Israel-- Psychological aspects.,Government, Resistance to-- Moral and ethical aspects-- Israel.,Left-wing extremists-- Israel.,Political activists-- Israel.,Political violence-- Israel-- Psychological aspects.,Political violence-- Moral and ethical aspects-- Israel.,Aktivist,Antimilitarismus,Arab-Israeli conflict-- Moral and ethical aspects.,Arab-Israeli conflict-- Psychological aspects.,Ethnic relations-- Psychological aspects.,Government, Resistance to-- Moral and ethical aspects.,Government, Resistance to-- Psychological aspects.,Left-wing extremists.,Linksradikalismus,Nahostkonflikt,Political activists.,Political violence-- Moral and ethical aspects.,Political violence-- Psychological aspects.,Politics and government.,Politik,Israel, Ethnic relations, Psychological aspects.,Israel, Politics and government.,Israel,Israel., 0, 0, 7, 7
Classification :

603. The apology for Raymond Sebond / Michel de Montaigne -- The new Organon / Francis Bacon -- Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina and The Assayer / Galileo Galilei -- Discourse on the method of rightly conducting the reason and Seeking for truth in the sciences / René Descartes -- Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes -- Mathematical principles of natural philosophy / Isaac Newton -- The meditations on First philosophy / René Descartes -- The second set of objections with replies / René Descartes -- The third set of objections with replies / René Descartes -- The fourth set of objections with replies / René Descartes -- The fifth set of objections with replies / René Descartes -- Letters to and from Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia -- Pensées / Blaise Pascal -- The ethics / Benedict Spinoza -- The search after truth / Nicolas Malebranche -- Discourse on metaphysics / G. W. F. Leibniz -- The theodicy : abridgement of the argument / G. W. F. Leibniz -- The monadology / G. W. F. Leibniz -- The prince / Niccolò Machiavelli -- Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes -- On the duty of man and citizen / Samuel Pufendorf. 0
Author: edited by A.P. Martinich ; with Fritz Allhoff and Anand Jayprakash Vaidya.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

604. <The> challenges of globalization :,The poetics of communication / Bill Schwarz -- Globalisation and cultural imperialism reconsidered / David Morley -- The push and pull of global culture / James Lull -- Post feminism and popular culture / Angela McRobbie -- A nation and its immigration / Arvind Rajagopal -- Thinking experiences / Kevin Robins and Asu Aksoy -- Peckham tales / Gareth Stanton -- Media as conversation, conversation as media / John Durham Peters -- Media and cultural theory in the age of market liberalism / James Curran -- Placing promotional culture / Aeron Davis -- International agreements and the regulation of world communication / Ted Magder -- Transvaluing media studies / Nick Couldry -- Rethinking creative production: away from the cultural industries / Ke
Author: edited by Steven V. Hicks ,edited by James Curran and David Morley.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

605. <The> crisis of global environmental governan
Author: 20090527 0
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

606. <The> economic impacts of terrorist attacks /
Author: edited by Harry W. Richardson, Peter
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

607. The history of the Jewish people in the age of Jesus Christ /
Author: by Emil Schurer ; a new English version revised and edited by Geza Vermes, Fergus Millar, Matthew Black, and Martin Goodman ; literary editor Pamela Vermes
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Greek literature-- Jewish authors-- History and criticism,Jews-- History-- 168 B.C.-135 A.D,Judaism-- History-- Post-exilic period, 586 B.C.-210 A.D
Classification :

608. <The> many and the one : religious and secular perspectives on ethical pluralism in the modern world
Author: / Edited By Richard Madsen, Tracy B. Strong
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)
Subject: Ethics, Comparative, Ethical relativism,Religious ethics., اخلاق تطبیقی
Classification :

609. The philosophy of Jesus
Author: Kreeft, Peter
Library: Special Library of University of Religions (Qom)
Subject: Teachings ، Jesus Christ,Person and offices ، Jesus Christ,Doctrines ، Catholic Church,Philosophy ، Christianity
Classification :

610. The philosophy of Jesus
Author: Kreeft, Peter.
Library: Library of Mofid University (Qom)
Subject: Teachings ، Jesus Christ,Person and offices ، Jesus Christ,Philosophy ، Christianity
Classification :

611. <The> politics of religion :
Author: edited by Jeffre
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

612. The portable Hannah Arendt /
Author: edited with an introduction by Peter Baehr.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Political ethics.,Political science.,Revolutions.,Social ethics.,Totalitarianism.,Idées politiques.,Morale politique.,Morale sociale.,Révolutions.,Totalitarisme.,Political ethics.,Political science.,Politics and Government.,Politieke filosofie.,Revolutions.,Social ethics.,Totalitarianism.,Totalitarisme.
Classification :

613. <The religion toolkit = religion toolkit>
Author: / John Morreall, Tamara Sonn.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
Classification :

614. The traditional problem of evil: suffering and evil actions -- Another problem of evil: divine hiddenness -- Miracles as a problem of evil -- The ignorance defense -- Identifying, interpreting, and certifying revelation -- Should God's power be understood as omnipotence? -- A process Christian theism and the problems of evil. 0
Author: James A. Keller.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

615. Theology and Bioethics :
Author: edited by Earl E. Shelp.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Ethics.,Medicine -- Philosophy.,Philosophy (General)

616. Thinking in dark times :
Author: edited by Roger Berkowitz, Jeffrey Katz, and Thomas Keenan.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Arendt, Hannah,1906-1975-- Political and social views.,Arendt, Hannah,1906-1975-- Political and social views.,Arendt, Hannah-- Ethik.,Arendt, Hannah-- Politische Philosophie.,Arendt, Hannah, 1906-1975,Arendt, Hannah,1906-1975-- politiska och sociala åsikter.,Arendt, Hannah,1906-1975.,Arendt, Hannah.,Arendt, Hannah.,Political ethics.,Political science-- Philosophy.,Ethiek.,Ethik,Political and social views.,Political ethics.,POLITICAL SCIENCE-- General.,Political science-- Philosophy.,Politieke filosofie.,Politische Ethik,Politische Ethik.,Politische Philosophie,Politisk etik.
Classification :

617. To do the right and the good: a Jewish approach to modern social ethics
Author: Dorff, Elliot N
Library: Special Library of University of Religions (Qom)
Subject: ، Judaism and social problems,، Social ethics,، Jewish ethics
Classification :

618. U162
Author: by Michael Howard and Robert Hunter.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

619. Vol. 1 originally published in 1951 under the title: Die Mythologie der Griechen. Die Götter und Menschheitsgeschichten; v. 2 originally published in 1958 under title: Die Heroen der Griechen. (Die Heroengesc
Author: [Von] Karl Kerényi.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

620. Von Neumann, Morgenstern, and the creation of game theory :
Author: Robert Leonard
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Morgenstern, Oskar,1902-1977,Von Neumann, John,1903-1957,Game theory-- History
Classification :